This video is the recordings from Sunday's webinar.

We had a wonderful free webinar.
I love the experience of the sexual energies releasing and healing through the body and brain and ascending into the divine realms.
That is what we worked with in this webinar, the transformation of the sexual energies and their evolution through the body, throat, neck, face, and brain and then into transcendence.
We worked with the 6 different energy systems of Holographic Breathing. First from the sexual energies and then rising through all of the other areas.

There is a very powerful meditation in this video. It's good to stay to the end.  

Here is the link to the whole recording –

These time links will take you to those times in the video.
This menu is also included in the video description.

00:07 - the transformation of the sexual energies and the Neck
01:25 - Introduction to Holographic Breathing.
06:31 - The Holographic nature of Holographic Breathing and the 6 energies of the neck.
08:03 -Igniting the sexual potency as a healing energy to rise through the body, neck and head.
09:23 - The three energy holographic relationship.
18:00 - The 6 energies of the pelvis and sexual organs.
22:57 The breathing motion of the hands and feet.
24:38 - The 6 energies of the tongue and the advanced webinars.
27:26 - Description and demonstration of Holographic Breathing.
35:14 - Guided meditation to learn Holographic Breathing and the energies of the neck, 
the pelvis and the Kundalini.

I hope you enjoy the recordings.

Free Webinar
Talk and Guided Meditation
Connective Breathwork
Breath Holds and The Spaces Between The Breaths.
Sunday, October 6th
7 pm to 8:30 pm UK time or
2 pm 3:30 pm EST New York time.

Click on this button to register for this free webinar

If you register you will get a reminder on the day plus the recordings.

In this webinar I will be teaching Holographic Breathing and then using that 
to work with connective breathing and breath holds.
Connective breathing is where you join the in and the out breath together
 so you remove the spaces between the breaths.

Generally when people do connective breathwork they go into a hypoxic state 
where there is a lack of oxygen getting to the cells of the body and brain.
This is because the breath is faster in connective breathing and it creates more oxygen in the blood. 
But when this happens it causes an imbalance and that oxygen can't get to the cells.

I will be talking about some of the pros and cons of this breathwork and hypoxia.

We won't be going down that route, I will not be taking people into hypoxia.

We will be working with this in a gentle way using long breaths 
and also occasional pauses so that people do not go into hypoxia.

What we will be doing is working with the energetic effect of connective breathing
 Rather than the hypoxic effect of connective breathing.

It also makes a good way of understanding the energies dynamics 
of the spaces between the breaths and breath holds.

As there are no pauses in connective breathwork you can see the energy of that,
 and then in contrast by adding pauses or short breath holds you can understand and experience those.

So in the Guided Meditation we will be working with
short periods of gentle connective breathing 
and then combining this in different ways with short breath holds.

As a comparison we will also be working with normal breathing and short breath holds.

This comparison also gives people an experiential understanding of 
the energetic difference between normal breathing and connective breathing.
It also give the experience and understanding of the natural pauses between the breaths.

Through the whole Guided Meditation we will be using Holographic Breathing.
 This gives a profundity and deeper energetic experience of all of the dynamics.

This is a good addition to the work we have already done with breath holds and gives a deeper understanding of them. 

Everyone is welcome.

Click on this link to register for this free webinar

If you register you will get a reminder on the day plus the recordings.

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