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Free  Breathwork and Healing Webinar 
Sunday, 12th January
7 pm to 8:30 pm UK time or
2 pm 3:30 pm EST New York time. 
 Here is a link to register for this webinar –


In this webinar, I will be teaching Holographic Breathing and then after that,

I will be giving an individual healing session to one of the people in the group.

Even though it relates to that person it also relates to everyone in the group

 and you can engage with it as a meditation with Holographic Breathing.

Or just witness it in your own way for healing and meditation.

Either way, it is deeply healing.

I have started working in this way in the therapist training and it is very powerful.

The sessions are normally to do with that person's healing journey, and often relate to different experiences and patterns.

I work on all levels including counselling, working with the energies, healing, ancestry, the kundalini,  higher self and

divine realms, and whatever evolves out of the situation at the time.

The act of doing Holographic Breathing enables the session and for everything to evolve and heal.

It also acts to enable an energetic communication between the higher self, the person having the session, and me.

If you wish to be the person receiving the session please email me.

 Here is a link to register for this webinar – 

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