83b web

Online Practitioner Training and Recordings

Sundays the
November 24
January 19 
February 16
March 16

5 pm till 8 pm UK time
12 noon to 3 pm EST New York time 


It is still possible to join the training.
Each practitioner training module is whole unto itself.
All the webinars are recorded and you can either come live or do the training from the recordings.

We have done the two webinars in this series, which were profound.
It was a far more intimate group than previous ones, which felt good as we were working in more depth.

In the webinars, I show how I do sessions and the principles behind them.
To do this I give a session to one person each webinar.

This brings a potency to the group and people can see how I work with different dynamics.

One of the main things we are working with is being able to sense the karma, energy and memories of the client and where those experiences are held in the body.
Also to be able to work with these experiences so that they resolve and that that person can connect with the higher self.

In the webinars, I teach how to become more aware of these abilities and how to work with them in sessions.

Participants also work with each other in the webinars to get experience of this and feedback.
The sessions are split into two parts the first part is verbal
 where the participant talks about what they want to work with.
And the second part is addressing that with a Holographic Breathing journey.

Participants also learn how to hold the space and the participant safely and also sense what is coming into the space from the participant and the spiritual dimensions.

In this next webinar, we will be paying attention to the link between what is happening in the body and the memories and karma held in that area.

Often people are pulled to an area of the client that is healing and can bring attention to that.

But then it's an extra jump to be able to feel and see the karma or experiences that are being healed.

I will be demonstrating that in the Session and we will be enquiring into how participants can learn that for themselves.

These are all available in the recordings.

The fee is £245
Here is a link to register



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