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Free  Breathwork and Healing Webinar 
Sunday, 9 February
7 pm to 8:30 pm UK time or
2 pm 3:30 pm EST New York time. 

In this webinar there will be a guided meditation to learn Holographic Breathing
which will continue on to work with the healing and evolutionary energies coming through at the time.

Then I will be giving a healing session to one of the participants.

These sessions can include counselling, resolving trauma, healing, past lives, ancestry and working with the divine and evolutionary energies that are coming through at the time.

These are the same kind of sessions that I give as individual sessions.

Holographic Breathing gives a wonderful medium for opening, and integrating whatever is unfolding at the time.
It's like having a friend helping everything to resolve and heal.

The idea for these webinars came from the recent practitioner training where I was giving people individual sessions for participants to view and try for themselves.

On listening to to them afterwards I was interested to see how healing it was for myself and seemingly anybody who listened.
Also the quality of the healing energy that was coming through was intense and deeply healing.

Along with this, it was clear that as well as the person having the session, it was taking into account everyone else in the group and the healing and evolutionary energies that were coming through at the time.

So if you would like some lovely meditation and deep healing come along to this free webinar.


If you'd like to be the person getting the session please let me know.


Click on this link to register  


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