There are six webinars in this series -
February 2ndThe brain and higher energies
7 pm to 9 pm. UK time or2 pm 4 pm EST New York time.
The first 5 webinars in this series were amazing.If you register you will receive recordings from those and then links to Sunday's webinar.
In Sunday's webinar,
We will be working with the relationship between the neck, the organs, digestive track and brain.
It's not really possible to heal things without letting that also unfold and resolve through the brain and mind.Until that happens things just go around in circles without properly resolving.
With Holographic Breathing we get the ability to be able to work with this, the movement of the jaw and face activate the cranium brain and intellect.This evolves in the way that you start being able to let go of the mind structures and patterns that are holding everything in place.
It's a different level of consciousness where you sit back from the brain and intellect, and the energy just starts travelling through it in a natural way and everything starts unfolding and become a viewer of the whole process rather than being the process or the mind.
In Sunday's webinar we will be working with the cerebrum, cerebellum, and arms and legs.We will be looking at how these relate to the energy centres in the neck and throat, and how they connect to all of the organs throughout the body.
I will be encouraging people to move on to a new level where the digestion and organs consciously connect with the brain and the dialogue back and forth between them.
This creates the deeply healing environment and viewing point where all karma can be resolved and a deep healing can unfold.
This continues on to connect with the higher self and divine realms.
This webinar series has been outstanding and very powerful. It's well worth registering.
The registration for this webinar Is £64
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